Albert Einstein once said that the definition of insanity was when one person performed the same act and looked for different results. For example, Joe would add one to two and concluded that the answer was three. If he kept adding those same numbers for five hours and expected to get two, he could be defined as insane.
Let us now turn to the issue of politics (which I am certain that many rational people can point to those on the other side and call them insane). If a school is failing and the constant outcry from the local school bureaucracy is more money, than perhaps there needs to be a reconsideration of the situation. What if the government kept performing the same tactics expecting that test scores could rise and abysmal graduation rates would rise? This same school system would cease at nothing to ensure that their power is maintained, regardless of the outcome towards the children. This scenario applies to the Detroit public school systems.
Charter schools and school vouchers are hated by the bureaucracy, because that could endanger the jobs of a bloated administration that has no talent or ingenuity. It is incredibly sad that politicians desire power above all else. People need to start to realize that this failed idealogy must end. Why are schools allowed to fail society? Why are they allowed to perpetruate the constant failure? Something must happen.
Real change comes from people who will change bad policies. We cannot idly wish for "hope" like Senator Obama would propose. Throwing money at the problem cannot solve matters, for that issue has been enacted for years now (in the case of healthcare and education). There needs to be common sense solutions. Stand up against inefficiency and demand real change!
Per L. Bylund, Ph.D.
1 week ago
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