Politics ought not be about personal gain benefit. It is about serving the people, serving the consituents. To borrow from Hobbes' Leviathan, the individual in the representative government is the head of the body politik. He or she is the person designated to promote society, for better or worse. The collective will of the people are embodied inside of that individual.
I was contemplating whether or not a Congressman or Senator should vote conscience or the will of the people. I honestly do not know, but I am starting to think that it should be for the positive growth of the people. It ought to be about the collective people's issues, instead of their own pet projects. The people need to be represented whole heartedly, and that is the ultimate goal of democracies. The will of the people is pushed along, in an ethical manner.
I entitled this "Represent or Designate" for a reason. The two possible roads of adequate representation would be promoting the values of the people or the values of the individual. Should the congressman or president follow the people's will or the conscience? Perhaps a bit of both. How would you respond if your constituents wanted you to vote "Yes" on a bill, but your heart says "NO!"? Tough call, and maybe one day you'll have to decide.
Per L. Bylund, Ph.D.
1 week ago
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