Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Anarchy Analyzed

In Orthodoxy, G.K. Chesterton sought to discuss a vast array of topics. One of those topics [briefly] discussed governments and the nature of system. Can there be a distinct Christian form of government? One that uplifts the downtrodden and places them on the sure footing of dignity. Aristocracy is among the worst of government, since the rich and powerful are natural leaders. There is little room for movement among the classes. Democracy is not the greatest forms forms of government, but nonetheless, it is surely better than other governments. As Winston Churchill famously observed, democracy is the worst form of government, except for every other form of government.

If democracy is the lesser of the evils and aristocracy is among the worst, than perhaps anarchy is the most destructive. Anarchy attempts to root out all forms of government, and with that, all societal structures. Anarchy is extremely problematic, because one can never get away from social constructs and government. Whenever there are two or more people, there needs to be some sort of order. If there is mayhem among the masses, then a new form of government arise. Whether it is a co-op or despotism, rules must be in place. Ironically, if one person attempts to live by themselves, they still cannot get away from law. The law of nature will always bind them and conscience will often hold someone captive. Anarchy is both idiotic and unrealistic. I'll take my bets with the worst form of government (besides every other) ever devised by men!

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