Thursday, January 11, 2007

What Life Should Mean

What use is it if one would pursue the grandest of political dreams and in the end die- as everyone else? Ecclesiastes paints a bleak picture of human accomplishment, laying down foundations for this thought. What does it matter if I or anyone else toils with our hands and constructs something immaculate and beautiful in terms of politics or ruling?
"For there is no more remembrance of the wise than of the fool forever, Since all that now is will be forgotten in the days to come. And how does a wise man die? As the fool!"
William Wallace in the movie Braveheart did say it best, "All men die. But not all men truly live." A brilliantly true and profound statement, but sadly in the end all men die. So what then truly matters for the person? Does legacy even count, if one would be forgotten eventually. (Sadly in this illiterate historical age, where people do not know greats in any tradition)

The ultimate act of political life is to live one's life untainted from the world. To live in harmonious accord with Christ and to be transformed by Him is what truly matters. We ought to be informed by that understanding and look at the very core of the world through the eyes of a Believer and devout follower of Christ. That is what life is all about.

1 comment:

INTeJer said...

amen! agreed.

the next step in that thought process, for me, is the fact that Jesus spent his life transforming the present and preparing people for the future (and preparing the future for people). he didn't start a "everybody worship me" religion, he just came to do the Father's will. he wasn't really concerned with his own 'legacy,' unless it furthered the cause of the kingdom and brought glory to God.

i don't understand why people want to leave a legacy. why do they want to be remembered? wouldn't it be so much better to have their life make a difference? sometimes the difference you make doesn't earn you any credit, and that's fine. i would actually prefer it that way. let Christ tell me what i've earned, or been given, on the Last Day... not men.