A recent Washington Post article portrayed the tensing Russo-American relations. Oddly enough to most Americans, it appeared as if Putin was striking up another Cold War. As a historian, one has to place their own perspectives on hold and view the situation from the other side. He is reacting to what appears to be typical Western hostility towards the Russian people. Tracing back into Russian history (from the czarist days through the Soviets and the fledgling democracy) people can see that there is a second side to this story.
Russian President Vladimir Putin came out against the missile defense shield in Europe. He viewed that the West was enclosing Russia. When President Bush pushed for this ambitious defense shield, Putin balked and then offered a masterful political critique. He offered that Russia should be a part of the shield. He outflanked the United States by portraying the Kremlin as willing to cooperate in defending the West against Iranian missiles. I laughed at his posturing, because it was one of the greatest political moves I have seen in some time! Putin is rather frightening to me, eliminating his political opponents and reducing democracy. However, you have to give him credit, it seems like he was strong in his response- first in condemnation and then secondly in cooperation.
Per L. Bylund, Ph.D.
1 week ago