I think that man has a natural inclination towards a garden.
I recently was dumbfounded at the sheer beauty of a bird chirping. I was recently struck by the majesty of trees, how they sit there in stoic poses, waving about their branches amidst the delicate breeze. I thought how amazing is our God!
I saw a documentary on the sun last night. The History Channel had these experts on the show, and they were discussing about the science behind this star. Well, they were talking about the sheer magnitude and the extensive heat that it puts out on a daily basis. And then they began to discuss how it was made, and how it was this cataclysmic event. Gravitational pull just suddenly arose and fused the sun together... I thought how incredibly bold that assertion was! I thought that perhaps the sun was billions of years old. Yet I would throw in the caveat that there needs to be some sort of Divine maker.
Yahweh made some amazing things! I once wrote a paper on how I felt that heaven would be a combination of a Garden and a City. It would be like the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. I love gardens, and I love to make them. I think flowers are astounding and waterfalls are mighty. Basically put, I think that all that our heart's desire will be in this place. As St Augustine would say, "Our heart's are restless until they rest in You!"
Per L. Bylund, Ph.D.
5 days ago