Recently, Ikea has made a decision to take away free plastic bags to costumers. They cite evidence that Americans waste well over a thousand bags a year, per family. I see nothing wrong that they want to cut down on waste, I in fact try to reuse bags as trash can liners or as a sort of wrapping. But when Ikea, who gives away these bags for free, puts all the blame on the custumor is absolutely ridiculous. There is a portion of blame that belongs on the comany as well!
Environmental activists are blaming the global warming trend on people who drive SUVs and people who heat big homes. I personally believe that we are on a warming trend, but let us add in the factors that the sun is heating up. Imagine that, the sun might have more to do with our heating trends than fossil fuels. Also, the Arctic ice cap is melting away, yet Antaractica is actually increasing its ice shelf by 8%. And yet even though there is alternatives, Al Gore tells us to stop flying, no SUVs and live a "carbon neutral" life. Yet, it is confirmed that he has flown in private jets. Ariana Huffington also flies on private jets. For goodness sakes, a leader in Green Peace was seen in an SUV, going skiing in a remote Colorado resort. If you are going to espouse that we need to stop wasting fuel and adding greenhouse gases, then at least have the common courtesy to follow your own rules!!!
Sadly, Bono is also a person who is a fake. He preaches charity and the rich giving to the poor. Which is great! I am all for charity, yet it was revealed through Bloomberg that he and his band U2 hides a good deal of their income through tax shelters. They seek to remain partially tax exempt, yet wants us to give to the poor through the One campaign and to end African poverty.
If you are going to lecture me about something, please follow your own advice. This applies to Conservatives as well.